
In A.D. 2XXX - every nation was united to one, named "Destiny." Its government followed every individual's behavior with their technology to punish the "inefficient" people - to maximize the "wealth of the nation." Under the control of Destiny for several centuries, no longer the citizens could live their own cultural life with certain identities – almost becoming labor robots. Meanwhile, around 10,000 people, Resistance, tried to be free from Destiny. They invented special masks to hide themselves from monitoring by Destiny.

One day, a crew of Resistance found an old PC, like the 20th century’s, from a garbage container. He fixed it, and with that old stuff, finally created a secret community server that Destiny couldn’t follow! Literally a secret base had been born. Cyber citizens got their lifestyles as humanity back in the secret base and could have fun. Quickly spread and extended, for no longer people pretend to be robots. Now, people call the secret base with respects – “AZITO.”


The world controlled by Destiny

Destiny controls everything with technology - wether, temperature, and nature. It seems a super developed city, but there’s no passion - city atmosphere is dying. Going far away from the urban side, then people can see literally “Wasteland” - the middle of nowhere with air pollution and a bunch of garbage. Of course, people cant live in such a dirty place.

How Resistance Built their Secret Bases

The world has completely divided in two - the super technological city and the wasteland - by Destiny. The Resistance people have been thinking of the world before the control under Destiny, and fantasizing about it. That’s why they started to build the new world.

The Outdoors

A kind of wasteland, but it’s out of Destiny’s control.

The Indoors

Resistance people customize their secret bases with tons of their “likes.”